Privacy Policy

At, we know you care very much about how your informed is shared, used and stored. We do our very best to keep your trust by using the information about you carefully and cautiously. This notice explains our privacy policy. By visiting, you are accepting this privacy policy and our Terms & Conditions.

Be at ease to contact us anytime if you have any question(s) about our policy.

How we use/store/share any information. is  an open weblog and we publish only useful and relevant informations we receive in this site. We do not share or sell personal information submitted to us by subscription to our site to any third party companies for whatever reason. You information with us is safe and private until we have permission from you to make it publicized.


Cookies are small pieces of information stored in a visitor's computer. When a visitor logs on to, we record small cookies in his computer like the browser type and other useful information the visitor sends via their browser,in order to provide a better browsing experience for our visitors.


We use advertisements from third party companies. We try to avoid any kind of offensive and harmful advertisements in our site, but in many cases we do not have complete control of which advertisements appear in our site, due to the fact that many advertisements are automatically served by third party advertisers. We will not be responsible for any harms caused by such third party advertisements served in our site. However, if such issues are pointed to our notice, we will make all efforts to stop publishing such advertisements in our site in order to give you a better blog experience in this site.


All content published in this website is copy right protected and should not be reproduced elsewhere without written permission. We generally do not give reproducing rights of our content, except in extremely rare scenarios. If you have any questions regarding reproducing any content from here, please contact us. We might allow reproduction of our content(s) elsewhere on the condition that, the most appropriate credit(s) is given to us.

DMCA - Report a copyright or privacy violation in this site

All content in this site is either prepared by our team or submitted by our members. In case of user generated content, our editors make their best efforts to verify the ownership of the content. We use various approaches to verify ownership of content including internet searches.

In the unfortunate situation where you find the content published in this website violating your copy rights or your content is reproduced here without your permission or your personal information is displayed here that affects your privacy, please feel free to contact us.
It is practically impossible to learn and follow the copyright laws of all countries where our website is accessed. However, we have tried our possible best to adhere to all general copyright policies that are widely practiced by webmasters worldwide.

As a general practice, we follow Digital Millennium Copyright Act of USA. If you have any concerns regarding any content published in this website, please report to us along with essential details like
  • URL of the violated page in this site.
  • LINK to the original content
  • NAME OF THE  BOOK containing original content if you are reporting violation of rights based on content reproduced on this site from a printed book. etc.
However, when we receive a DMCA a notice, we will remove the content temporarily and then give  the publisher a chance to explain his part. If he disagree with your claims, we will discuss this further and make a decision after further review of the content.

Changes in Policy

Any changes we make in our policies in the future will be published on this site.


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